Wednesday, July 2

Attempt at #11 of My Bucket List

My Little Water Boy

I am so proud of Scotty. He's learning how to hold his breath under water. I took a little clip of him holding his breath underwater with Daddy. He's showing alot of skin in this one (hehe) because he made doo doo in his trunks outside of the pool. I guess we have a long way to go before we'll ever see any progress with #6 of My Bucket List. But, atleast we're making a little headway with teaching him how to swim.

My little Fishy.

Tell me if you think Scotty looked like the girl in Whale Rider when she's riding the whale at the end of the movie. haha. Brett doesn't think it's funny becuase he thinks I was calling him a whale. lol.


Madame Mauri said...

He's a natural! Do you guys have a pool at your house? Nice to have it to yourself!! I think the video was so cute!! I loved the tan line! :)

Line said...

Good job Scotty! And good job with the swimming lessons mommy and daddy! And... LOL @ Brett not thinking the Whale Rider comment was funny. Hahaha, too funny...

The Croft's said...

Yay for Scotty!! Kare, he's doing soo good. I can't believe he can hold his breath that long. The plan is to come down in two weeks. We're on passes because I refused to spend another $1,200 on this adoption for plane tickets. Noe's not coming because that week we promised my mother in-law she could have her. I hope we can get together. I'll call you once we land and we can figure something out. Worse case we may drive but we'll see.

daveandsavani said...

you are so hilarious karen. haha. scotty is a born surfer thats for sure! i dont know about whale though.

Miki said...

Nice to hear from you! Sounds like you love life in California! So funny, i still remember us sitting in our TESOL classes together in the back times. A late congrats on your baby. Very cute baby. Please sidebust on my blog anytime. Take care!

Annie + Joey said...

Hi Karen! I love that you guys have a blog too! I am just getting back into it after quite a long dry spell! It was great to see you on the 4th!

Ui said...

whale rider huh? lol. man...he is growing so fast. i still remember that one day i was babysitting him, and he was so not happy with me cuz he was sick. lol. too cute.

Jess said...

Man, that is so cool that he can do that! He'll be better at swimming than me in a year :) Good job Scotty!