Monday, October 27


I thought it would be fun to do a flashback from last year's Halloween. Scotty was so fun to dress up - he actually kept his costume on the whole time. There was a little costume contest for the TVA kids, and my pirate won 1st place in his age group =). For this Halloween you'll see what Scotty chose to be in my next post! But don't worry, I won't be lame and post it next month, hehe. I'll actually post it this week! I can't wait to see all of your darlings dressed up to trick-o-treat this year.
p.s. thanks Ashley and Liko! I'm going to have fun blogging now...


Line said...

Just so you know, I never gave up on checking your blog even though you don't update very often. Hehe... Scotty is so cute. I'm gonna copy you and post pix of Spencer from Halloween last yr.

liko said...

cutie-patootie pirate!

Jess said...

He's so cuute! I remember seeing these pix but don't remember how or where.