Sunday, November 23


1. Link this post to the person who tagged you
2. Post the rules on your blog
3. List 6 random things about yourself
4. Tag 6 people at the end of your post
5. Let each person know they have been tagged and leave a comment on their blog
6. Let the tagger know when your entry is up

6 Random Facts about ME.
(I just want to warn you that you could get majorly grossed out)

1. I can dance hula, but I can't dance Samoan. Well I guess it's cuz I never really tried. Pretty sad huh! The first and only time I've ever danced Samoan was at my wedding.

2. Since I became pregnant this time around, I got the curse of the vericose veins. I heard it's hereditary and I know that I got it from my grandma. The good news is that I only have two huge veins popping out on my thighs and they are likely to go away after I give birth. But, the bad news is that with every pregnancy from now on I will have more and more! Ewwwww.

3. Content Warning!!! I hate having big boobs. I hate it, hate it, hate it! They just get in the way. period. I threatened Brett that I will get a boob reduction when I turn 40, haha. How I wish there was a magical pill to shrink these two problems away.

4. I get really freaked out when I go snorkeling. If I try hard enough I can last for 20 mins. but if I see something that even looks a little scary I'm done. I also get paranoid that a shark will appear out of nowhere and eat my leg or something. Surfing is different because I can't really see what's underneath me. Ignorance is bliss, I guess.

5. I hate eating mixed fruit. I stay clear of fruit salad because all the fruit is mushed together. And, I can't eat oranges as easily as other people because I hate the smell of it as it lingers on my fingers or clothes and breath. Plus, it's super messy and I don't like the sticky feeling after I eat oranges. I have to totally be in the mood to eat an orange and it usually has to be cold. So picky huh.

6. I've gotten pretty random comments about my looks or the way I speak. Some people have said I look mauri, or tahitian, or hawaiian. When I tell them I'm Samoan some of them are in disbelief, but usually they just shrug and say "oh." I've also had people ask where I'm from and when I tell them Hawaii they say something like "you don't sound like how they talk" like I'm supposed to talk pigeon. I guess I just switch it on and off. I usually feel more comfortable talking pigeon to people I've known for a while and can speak pigeon. Otherwise, I feel it's no use.

I tag anyone who hasn't done this...


liko said...

haha, with the pidgin thing, i think that's how i am, too. my white family asks me to speak pidgin for them, i can't unless someone is there speaking it with me. as for the boobs, i WANT some. never had big ones, but after kids, nada. zilch, zip, none. i'm considering a boob enhancement. haha, the grass is always greener on the other side...

ashley said...

boobs comment made me laugh, but i think i would feel the same way if i had any! aren't they supposed to get smaller with every kid? maybe you just need to have like 10 kids.....

Line said...

You get scared snorkeling?! And hate oranges? And I thought I knew you... I know about the hatin' the big boobs thing (remember we were gonna trade lol) and I knew about the not dancing Samoan thing, but I guess there's always more to learn about someone!

P.S. I actually love the smell of oranges on my hands and breath, so I was surprised you said you hate it. Haha

Karessie said...

hahaha, awesome six facts karen :D :D :D uhhhh.....the pidgin thing? Kahuku High kids have learned to switch it on and off :D :D :D I think having a university nearby helps a lot. LOL LOL! and too bad about the fruit's my favorite! (though i usually just pick out what i want- like watermelon and grapes, HAHA!).

Johnson Family said...

You are hilarious Kare!!! I have to admit that I, like Line, didn't know some of these things about You are truly one of a kind!!!