Wednesday, December 3

Uh Oh

Just wanted to tell all you Twilight freaks out there that I've joined the club! haha. I was totally not going to read the books. I went to see the movie just to find out what the hype was all about. The movie was really cute and I immediately knew I had to start reading the books because Edward is soooo amazing!=). Since I'm done with reading Twilight I NEED to read New Moon, but someone is stopping me -- Brett! He hates when I read books because I get so into them and forget that he exists. haha. I'm not exaggerating.


daveandsavani said...

tell brett that what he feels is normal. it's called jealousy- he'll get over it. lol. we all forgot about our husbands' existences during our read of the Twilight series. however, tell brett there's hope around the corner- the books are so good that you'll get through them in just a couple days- he will only be ignored for a week- at the most =)... but beware- you may still dream about edward for another two weeks =). happy reading!

liko said...

but that's really what happens when you read those: you get so into them that reality takes a backseat. i would stay up all night reading them when i first read them all. i have re-read them all many times over. and i just discovered them at the beginning of this summer. haha, and when doug asks what they are about, i hate how corny it sounds, because there really is so much more substance to it than, "it's about vampires and werewolves..." so he thinks it's pretty silly. and i am going to get around to seeing the movie.

liko said...

oh, and each book took me 2 or 3 days to read. that's something to be said, for a MOM.

The Croft's said...

Tell Brett that Kendall feels his pain anytime I read. I got 5 books from the library yesterday and Kendall just rolled his eyes...What else is a mother to do when her kids nap...

Ui said...

oh my gosh karen!!!!! welcome to the club!!!! just so u know...since i have nothing else to do with my life, i am totally infatuated with robert pattinson aka edward cullen! so anything u need to know...let me know.

Line said...

Lol yeah Saia feels completely neglected too when I get into books... My son probably feels neglected too! Hahaha... I didn't wanna start reading Twilight either to begin with, but I must admit, it was addicting once I started.

Jess said...

So funny! I always tell Granite that Edward is much more romantic than him, haha. I guess he doesn't feel the need for all that since he has me married to him now. When will he learn?

Johnson Family said...

Don't listen to Brett!!! read to your heart's content b/c it's so worth it. Can't wait for you to finish the series. When you do, call me so we can talk. I love talking to Twilight newbies!!

daveandsavani said...

huh... hello, where is karen?? did you disappear?? you should be done with the twilight books already!! how was your christmas?? =)